Bed & Breakfast | Accommodation

Public Transport

Many places in Cornwall are easy to reach by public transport.
Look up timetables and routes for trains, buses and ferries:

Public transport

By Plane

The nearest airport to Dolvean House is Newquay airport (St. Mawgan) in Cornwall.
There are flight connections to London and several other airports within the U.K.
There are currently flights by Flybe between Germany, Dusseldorf and Newquay as well as Exeter, although both flightoptions go via Manchester.
The best transport form Newquay to Dolvean is by taxi, although there is a bus connection via Newquay town.

As it is a very small airport, flight connections do change yearly, please check availability.

The next nearest airports are:

  • Newquay, approximately 1 hr car drive away
  • Exeter, approximately 2 hr car drive away
  • Bristol, approximately 3 hr car drive away

By Rail

The regular mainline trains from London and the Midlands will bring you straight to Truro and then it’s a twenty minute ride on the pretty Falmouth branch line to Falmouth Town station, which is only 300m from Dolvean House. For rail timetables and information, click here.

By Bus

National Express Coach – there is a regular National Express coach service to the centre of Falmouth and then it is a short taxi drive (about £3 fare) to the hotel. Click here for coach timetables and information.

By car/taxi

If you need any transport by taxi we can arrange this for you. Our local taxi company Donald’s cars drives an comfortable silver Mercedes.

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